Ed Cicale (VP AutoNation e-Commerce and Customer Communications) — Our New Valuable Adviser


We’re happy to introduce the newest member of the VINchain advisory board, Ed Cicale. Ed is a Vice President (VP) of AutoNation e-Commerce and Customer Communications, and has over 30 years’ experience in marketing and advertising, as well as over 20 years in automotive marketing. In his current role, he is responsible for developing the website marketing strategy, media placements and AutoNation’s customer database for their over 250 dealerships. Additionally, he manages and directs the website UX team and website product development, AutoNation’s media strategy and placements, and the direct mail and email customer database. Ed has been with AutoNation since 1997 and was instrumental in developing AutoNation’s capabilities in 3rd party partnerships, search engine marketing, reputation management program, strategic brand platform and developing the customer journey retention in addition to customer communication programs.

Prior to joining AutoNation, Ed excelled as an advertising executive at Leo Burnett, True North Communications and Zenith where he worked primarily with large brands including Hyundai, Miller Brewing Company, Blockbuster Entertainment and Campbell’s. Ed also served as Director on the board of the alliance for Audited Media.

We are extremely happy to welcome an advisor with such extensive experience to the board and are excited for the new perspectives and ideas Ed will bring to VINchain!

To know more information about the project you can visit our website and check out our socials:
Website: https://vinchain.io
Telegram: https://t.me/vinchainio
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vinchain.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VINChain_io



VinChain.io — Decentralized vehicle history

No intermediaries. Just you and the data provider. Execute trustworthy transactions secured by blockchain. Both with the ability to execute a trustful history.