How to Trade VIN tokens on the CoinTiger Exchange


Here, you can follow step-by-step instructions as to how you can begin trading VIN tokens (VIN) on the CoinTiger exchange. Note that trading is available in both VIN/BTC (Bitcoin) and VIN/ETH (Ethereum) pairs. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the CoinTiger support team.

How to Deposit VIN Tokens

1) First, you need to create an account on the CoinTiger exchange. Go to ( and click ‘Register’ in the top-right corner.

Fill in the required information, including email or telephone number and password. A verification code will be sent to the contact method you signed up with, simply enter it and registration will be complete.

2) Next, you need to find VIN among the currencies. Click on ‘Funds’ in the top-right corner and select ‘Deposit’ from the dropdown menu.

3) On this screen you can find the VINAddress and the Deposit Memo that you will need in order to make a deposit. The address is ct-vin-desp-1 and is shared by everyone. The deposit memo is what is unique to your account. You will need both of these pieces of information to make a deposit into CoinTiger.

IMPORTANT: Always use the ‘Deposit Memo’ as your MEMO when you transfer VIN from your wallet to the exchange.

4) Navigate to your VIN Wallet ( If you see the lock icon at the top-right of the screen, this indicates that you have not yet logged into your wallet.

Click on this icon and one of two windows will appear:

Window 1: Password prompt

If a password prompt window appears, simply enter your password and proceed to step 5.

Window 2: No local wallet

If a prompt to create a new wallet appears, try following the previous 4 steps but from a different browser. For example, if you are on Firefox, try Google Chrome (or the original browser used when you first opened your VINchain Wallet).

5) After you successfully log into your VINchain Wallet, at the top of the screen you will see the ‘Send’ option.

Click ‘Send’ and the following screen will appear:

Enter the CoinTiger address, quantity of tokens and the ‘Deposit Memo’ that you copied from the previous step.

Important: Ensure you enter the correct ‘Deposit Memo’ into the memo field — otherwise your tokens could be lost forever! Please make sure the ‘To’ field is exactly ct-vin-desp-1 and the memo field is the ‘Deposit Memo’ that you copied from CoinTiger.

Click ‘Send’ to finish the process.

How to withdraw VIN (VIN withdrawal will be available at 16:00 on Mar 13th, 2019 (UTC+8))

  1. Navigate to ‘Funds’, click on ‘Withdraw’ and select VIN token.
  2. Here, you can choose the address you want to receive your VIN tokens at (enter it in your withdraw address) by entering your ‘Deposit Memo’ and the amount you want to receive. Click ‘Send Code’, enter the verification code that was sent to your email or telephone number through text and press ‘Submit’ to complete the process.

NOTE: If you would like to send the tokens back to your VINchain Wallet, your withdrawal address is your account name at You can find your account name next to the lock icon.

NOTE: If you are sending tokens to your VINchain Wallet, it is not necessary to enter anything into the address label field.

If you don’t have a VINchain account, create one by navigating to:

From here, simply follow the onscreen instructions.

IMPORTANT: Don’t forget your private key as it’s impossible to recover your account without it.


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