Vinchain’s plans

If you are interested in our project and the idea you will find this information very useful. We know that the year has just started but we already have some great plans on how to make our project successful this year. Beside all the planned partnership and negotiation that we are going through right now we have so events we would like to share with you. This January Vinchain is going to participate in some big conferences and you can find us there.

On the 14th-15th of January 2018 we will be participating the UNLOCK Forum launched by Al Iktissad Wal Aamal ( in partnership with Smart Dubai at Ritz Carlton Hotel DIFC. UNLOCK will discuss how governments and private institutions in the MENA region can use blockchain applications to create a more efficient, competitive, smart government, smart economy and reinvent businesses.

So don’t miss this opportunity, meet us there and follow our socials to know more about that:


-- — Decentralized vehicle history

No intermediaries. Just you and the data provider. Execute trustworthy transactions secured by blockchain. Both with the ability to execute a trustful history.